Lord Krishna - My best friend & guide
Krishnaya Vasudevaya Haraye Paramatmane Pranatha kleshanashaya Govindaya namoh namah! I have been pondering on what I need to write about my best friend, Lord Krishna. He’s the friend who will stay in my life forever. I talk to him everyday. I keep trying my new recipes on him. Sigh! Poor Krishna puts up with all of my silly chitchats and gossip. He listens to everything. When i need guidance, I open the Bhagwat Geeta and look for a verse that matches my situation. I often keep citing that I love him. I wondered if that was ok since he’s the creator and lord of all the universes. But through the Geeta, he explained to me the different forms of Bhakti that’s acceptable to him. He teases me at times with his leelas. Many a time, the lamp wouldn’t light and I’ll be at my wit’s end. Finally I’d tell him that I will not waste any more matches and he’d then give in. I think most of us look at god as a temple murthi. But it’s not the case. God exists in those murthis. Sit next to Krishna. He ...