'Dream Big. Dream without fear'

After reading the book, 'The Last Lecture', i was wondering on whether i'd be able to recollect all the childhood dreams I had and put a check on whichever has been accomplished. To be honest to myself and those who read my blog, I just had one bigggg childhood dream that i can recollect even today. That was to see the 'Statue of Liberty'. You may laugh. But look at it from my perspective. A middle class woman who earns a decent middle class Indian salary is aspiring to go to the United States...Think about it!! It's way beyond her means!! Whew! Like one of my nephews had stated in the past, getting a US visa is a feeling akin to 'winning a lottery' to most of us out here.
Me with Sarah

“Its important to have specific dreams. Dream Big. Dream without fear'...I did that!! As quoted in the Bible, "And all things, whatsoever ye shall ask in prayer, believing, ye shall receive." (Matthew 21:22).  I guess god was listening to me. I must have bugged the hell out of him because all that i asked for was to go to the US. LOL!  At the most unexpected times, you'd find someone appearing as an angel and granting the wish. My angel was in the form of my friend and ex- manager, Sarah Zipkin. Sarah and I had just started working together. She was responsible for the Account that i handled from India. God's ways are strange. At that time, I never knew that this lady was going to my best friend and mentor for life and also the person who'd help me in achieving my childhood dream. She offered me a year's stay in the US as part of an account initiative to get offshore folks acquainted with the client's business. Like Prof Pausch would state, when you get a boost in life, you need to take it. Thank god for my then 'sane' head. I did take up the one year opportunity to work in the US. So amongst all the incorrect decisions that i made in my life, this was the one 'big' decision that I had taken correctly. That makes me feel good. It kind of waives away the errors that were made in the past :) It was so important for me that i copied and pasted the conversation that Sarah had with me in relation to this opportunity and called it ' Dreams'. It's too private to share the same. So I am not adding that  to my blog.

Another friend of mine who helped me take my dream further was Peggy Mckay. Peggy's a darling. Both of us were crazy in terms of attitude. I guess that's why we gelled so well. While in the US, Peggy wanted me to do everything that i had ever wished for. So when she realized that i needed to see the Statue of Liberty, she volunteered to take me there. I did get to see the 'Statue of Liberty' in the year 2008.We had a long weekend during some US holiday (don't remember which now) and that's when the trip was planned. All of us bundled up in Peggy's van and set forth for NYC. I cannot just describe the feeling of joy that came to me when i saw Brooklyn, Manhattan and other places in NYC. Those were sights that i had dreamt of, all through my teens. As you can see from the snaps below, I was a happy woman! Tim (Peggy's husband) took snaps of all those beautiful buildings in NYC which Peggy forwarded, so that i can get them added to my scrapbook. Yeah..am a big fan of scrapbooks!! Have quite a few now!!!

Wonderful friends
The Statue is magnificient even from a distance. I was excited to see her.The Statue of Liberty (Liberty Enlightening the World; French: La Liberté éclairant le monde) is a colossal neoclassical sculpture on Liberty Island in New York Harbor, designed by Frédéric Bartholdi and dedicated on October 28, 1886. The statue, a gift to the United States from the people of France, is of a robed female figure representing Libertas, the Roman goddess of freedom, who bears a torch and a tabula ansata (a tablet evoking the law) upon which is inscribed the date of the American Declaration of Independence, July 4, 1776. A broken chain lies at her feet. The statue has become an icon of freedom and of the United States (Courtesy- Wikipedia)
The trip to NYC was exciting and filled with experiences that cannot be covered in just one blog. So i'd leave those memories to remain in my own head and my scrapbook. But overall, i'd state that 'the great secret of life is the 'law of attraction'. The law of attraction says like attracts like, so when you think of a thought, you are also attracting like thoughts to you. Your thought become things'. I guess i was unconsciously doing the same by wishing for a trip to the USA to fulfill my childhood dream.

“It's not about how to achieve your dreams, it's about how to lead your life, ... If you lead your life the right way, the karma will take care of itself, the dreams will come to you.” Prof Randy Pausch

Peggy- My friend for life!!!


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