Wag, Wag, Wag!!!

This one's again a musing from the past....But nevertheless, it's memories that make me happy. I know this blog would sound funny to some. But believe me..all pets at some time or the other become a part of your life and you miss them terribly when they are not around. In my case, I love my friends and their pets equally. It's strange but sometimes, i feel that they understand you more than your own kind :)

I have always loved doggies. But it's difficult to maintain one when you have a small apartment. To be frank, my parents wouldn't appreciate another addition to their home. I still have to acquire a little home for myself. So that kind of justifies as to why i don't have a pet at home. To top it all, dad said that i had to choose between a pet and myself at the apartment. Ahem..i chose myself!!! Tee hee!!!

But my wish to spend some time with pets was fulfilled when i went to the US for a year. My friends had dogs whom i adored and who were happy to be with me and vice versa. They were the most cutest doggies/babies. I had an absolutely delightful time with alllllll of them. Sharing some happy memories that i experienced with them...

My absolute favorite- Dulce (brown and white colored Pomeranian) 

Dulce is a gentleman. He's the most perfect dog that you can ever have. I have a strong feeling that he understood whatever i told him. He loved it when i gave him a belly rub. He used to pat my hand with his paw and always get that belly rubbed away. When i refused, he gave me that look which melted my insides. Sigh! So i used to indulge him whenever he demanded. I thought he would forget me when i left the US. But after 3 years, when i went for vacation, Dulce did remember me. He was behind me for his belly rub. Hehehe!!! I told Dulce that i'd marry him if he were a guy! Sigh!! He reminds me of my uncle's dog , ' Snowy' who passed away due to a heart ailment. Dulce displays the same mannerisms as that of Snowy. I miss u..Dulce. Hope to see you soon!!!!

Mr Godiva- (Dark chocolate colored Pomeranian)

Godiva was always busy. He's a curious guy who loves to keep moving around. If he were a guy, I am sure he'd have girls pining for his attention. He has a huge doggie personality. He'd demand to be patted or rubbed. There's no words called 'please' in Godiva's dictionary. I found him very intelligent. He loved my nailpaint for some reason. I had to sometimes complain to Sarah/Ivy to get him to stop chewing on my toe nails. Then i got intelligent and began wearing socks. Hehehe! That must have irked him. Miss you Godiva!!!

Ms Adorable Carmelita- (Caramel colored Pom)

Ms Carmelita is a very graceful girl. She's very very pretty. Her attitude is also akin to a well groomed lady. I am reminded of a graceful maiden when Carmelita walks by:). She's extremely friendly. Infact, she'd get upset with you if you don't tell her hi when you see her. She had gone through a bad patch of illness sometime back and i had prayed a lot that she'd be out of it.By god's grace, she did come out of it. Thank god for that!!! Carmelita looks pretty in her lovely dresses and socks. Oh yeah..she has many of those! She loves to squeak her toys and she's extremely happy with her own little games. Miss u Carmelita!!!

Mr Tucker and Sophie- Black colored Poms

Both of them are black but both are different in terms of attitude. Sophie is a very mature lady. She doesn't like to be bothered. But she's also very loving. I kind of liked her interactions with Carmelita. She seemed very concerned about her. Maybe i imagine things too much. Mr Tucker comes across as a bit nervous and fidgety. Hugs to both of them.

There have been more additions to the family. I don't have their pics with me. So will not write much about them. Bottomline is that i love all of them and i hope to see them again someday :)

Thanks to Sarah and Ivis for giving me an opportunity to spend time with their babies :)

Animals are such agreeable friends - they ask no questions, they pass no criticisms.  ~George Eliot


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