“Don't let what you cannot do interfere with what you can do.”

“I believe that every individual is naturally entitled to do as he pleases with himself and the fruits of his labor, so far as it in no way interferes with any other men's rights”
Abraham Lincoln

 This is something that seriously ticked me off and I am sure there are many who are sick and tired of 'interfering' folks who surround them and who consider it to be their life’s motto to advice people on what they need to do to better their lives. Sometime back, a colleague of mine was very interested in knowing as to why my car was idle and as to why I wasn't driving it myself. I just didn't see any reason as to why i had to give him an explanation! I mean..What the heck! It's my car; I pay the loan with my hard earned money. There's no fat husband funding my activities. I don't see as to why his home or family is impacted with the decisions that i make in relation to my car. So i told him in my own sweet way that it's none of his b***y business and that he should stop worrying about things that don't concern him in the first place. I have seen this trait in some folks. They loveeee to give advices!!! Haven't you seen these stereotypical types of a fat woman or man who lose weight suddenly via starvation and then conduct a  weightloss preaching service for those at work with a halo on their heads? Funny part is that no one's really interested in their weight loss suggestions.  If they want to survive on a ‘leaf’ diet, go on...Be our guest! We are happy with our looks and intelligence. Oh..we also think that you may lack the latter aspect but we really don't have the time to advice you about this trivia while you are in the midst of chewing your salad leaves as that task may be occupying most of your precious and limited brain time. Why load it with more!!!

The point is that you need to give advices to someone who is looking for it or someone who's requesting for help. Please let me decide what I need to do. I am happy with my car being idle during weekdays and being driven by my cousin during the weekend. I walk down the road, get a rickshaw and reach home. It's not something I am whining about. I do want to drive someday for sure. But the traffic in Mumbai scares the hell out of me. Just last week, my rickshaw was going to crash against a car which decided to take a right turn though he was standing at the left, while at the signal. Luckily, most of our Mumbai auto drivers are skilled and  used to this scenario. So I didn't end up with a fracture due to collision with this moron's vehicle. The bad roads, lack of lane rules, bumper to bumper traffic, erratic and rude drivers, apathy towards women drivers in general are some of the few reasons for my 'non' interest in steering the wheel. I'd rather have someone drive me. At this point of time, even a driver is not a priority. When it is, I’ll look for one and pay for the services. But again, let's just leave it to me to decide on what i want to do. Currently, there are other priorities that need my attention. Does this make me a bimbo? I don't think so. If you do, it's your issue to deal with your own insecurities. Not mine!  My little red bundle of joy is my responsibility. So take a hike please. Go check on your girlfriend's activities or on your eccentric family members. Maybe they need your advices.. not me!!!


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