God likes help when helping people!!!

Hmm..So am lost again. What  topic do i write on?

I am surprised to get so many hits on my blog from the US region. Thanks for reading my wayward thoughts:). Am no writer! Just penning a few sentences in my blog as it is an outlet to voice my thoughts.By the way..I love the USA unconditionally since childhood. I like the country for what it stands for...'liberty' and 'recognition of people's rights'.  I  love this text from the Declaration of Independence.."that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness". There's so much depth in these words. Anyways..moving on before i get politically motivated to write more. You never discuss politics or religion on print:) It's a personal choice that each makes in their lives.

During my last weekend, I was watching some of these Hindi serials that were being broadcasted.  When i view the sufferings portrayed by these women characters on television, i am amazed at their level of patience and endurance. Maybe the scriptwriters have 'shrews' for their wives and are deriving a lot of pleasure in creating images of these kind of 'picture perfect' women who are always at the service of their men and family. Their personal needs and choices be damned!  Their life seem to be synonymous with sufferings and sacrifices. I mean..they belong to different categories of marriages. One has a psycho for a husband but is putting up with his beatings and psychotic behavior, day in and day out. Very noble! Other than this, there are those scheming women whose life's ambition is to cook and then make devious schemes against their family members. It's funny but it always seems like the women have trouble with each other. The men look happy, well fed and contented. Maybe the media folks want to stress on the fact that women are women's biggest enemies? :) Hehehe! To me, it seems like the 'divide and rule' policy that the British followed in India has left a deep impact on the script writer's psyche. They are trying the same via the seggregation of men and women into 2 separate groups that have absolutely nothing in common and one thrives by dominating over the other. I am tired of seeing bimbos, weepy women, scheming bitchy  daughter in laws/ mother in laws and ruthless husbands. Only thing that impresses me is that despite all that crying and bleating, they look fresh as a dew drop and their makeup remains as is. Sigh! I wish i knew how to do that kind of makeup. Why can't we have serials with better humor and sensible storylines is what i am wondering. Maybe these kind of stories are closer to reality? I am not sure. But it's fun to watch them once in a while to observe the various stererotypes that's being popularized via television channels.

As a normal citizen, i wonder if building these kind of stereotypical images will do us any good considering that the crimes against women are comparitively higher, women's education is just something to be talked about, where decision making is never a woman's area of concern and where you don't have sufficient health or welfare policies for women. Oh well..our decision makers knows best. To justify our own callous indifference to any social issues, i'd cite that we are the typical middle class Indian who'd fret about everything but are too busy with our own lives to think about those who are being suppressed and exploited in society.  Guess the reason for this blog was because of a weekend trip wherein my frustration levels went up when i was travelling on this realllllly bad road and next to it was this huge banner of IDFC bonds which said something like 'building the future' and promising some tax savings for poor folks like us who break our backs with working 24 x 7 and just get a tax saving which is a pittance as compared to what we provide as wealth for these ambitious projects which do take off but may never get completed. If they do, they end up being broken in some time and we are once again building the same roads and trying to mend the cracks in them. Maybe it's an innovative policy of job creation for those umemployed illiterate folks whom we keep harping about and for whom betterment schemes are created every now and then. Isn't that something? :)

I know that being bitter is not the solution here.  Some day in life, i want to get rid of my obssession with this corporate lifestyle and give some of my time towards fulfilling 'social responsibilities'. We are mostly socialized towards fulfilling our duties towards our family, our job etc. Society comes last for most of us. My boss  was discussing this thought about starting up an NGO in the future which will work towards the betterment of women.. It's a great thought. We have not yet done the groundwork on the segment of women that we want to work with. But my generic thought was that it needed to be those women whose voices are never heard. It can be those who are scared to step out of their homes because of social constraints, who need a boost in life, who need a shelter to begin their lives again, who need the reassurance that they can fend for themselves....It's a thought that we are pondering on, for the future. These kind of set ups need huge funding, space and resources. We don't have those means at this point of time. But all hope's not lost. Maybe some day before i go back to the ashes:)... It's Ash Wednesday today..I can be a bit religious when i write as well....heheh!

Believing that I was born for the service of mankind, and regarding the care of the commonwealth as a kind of common property which, like the air and the water, belongs to everybody, I set myself to consider in what way mankind might be best served, and what service I was myself best fitted by nature to perform.  
-Francis Bacon


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