Grand Master- Mohanlal movie (Malayalam)

My next musing is on this amazing Malayalam movie that I watched last weekend. It's called the 'Grand Master'. I'd watch this movie again just for seeing my favorite actor- Mohanlal, in action. He's oh so amazing in his effortless acting. The best part about this movie was that none of us could guess as to who the killer would be. It's a very gripping story. It keeps you guessing till the end. I liked that. In most movies, we can guess by  mid movie as to who may turn out to be the villain. In this case, the director did a good job of masking the real man behind the crimes.

A gist of the story from this site-

Mohan Lal comes up with a brilliant portrayal of Chandrashekar IPS and looks stylish with his hair greyed on the sides. The aged look suits him perfectly. Some of the scenes where he pleads with his colleague to get him another househelp is really great. I can go on oohing and aahing about his acting. He's is one of the best actors in the world. I really wish he'd take on more roles like this than the kind of roles that lack content and only worship his star status.

So 'Grand Master' is worth a visit to the theatres again!!!


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