Is your cell phone conversation more important than your life?

I guess I am in my most pessimistic frame of life where I am getting into the mode of being critical about everything that I see in this world. Beats me! I guess I need time to de-stress and recover from my cynical ways! Oh well...I don't have that luxury at this point of time but I am sure positive flows will come my way when it's ready (and I am ready) and when the universe is being generous again.

I have witnessed this scenario so many times. It gets me wild. Stupid women crossing the busy Indian roads with a cell phone stuck to their ears!!!! I responsible is that? Are they trusting the Indian drivers to take care of their lives for them? I can understand someone standing at the side of the road and taking an urgent call. But crossing the road and speaking without a care while there is moving traffic all around you? It's plain irritating. I was shocked to see this lady indulging in this kind of walk while the traffic signal changed to green. She should pay with her life if there is an accident. She's asked for it. I had this major itch to go and give that lady a tight slap for being so irresponsible towards herself and her family. In Mumbai, zebra crossings are just white lines for both pedestrians and drivers. In most cases, road rules are only followed if there's fear of any cop lurking around. It's not the fear of getting arrested for incorrect driving. It's the fear that they'd lose money while bribing the cop so that he doesn't issue a ticket!!! With such infrastructure and related drawbacks, how can these women use their cell phones while crossing the road? I am not talking about uneducated women in these cases. I am talking of those working class idiots who have gone to some school and gained some decent education. Then there are also those who can't stop talking even when they are at a religious place. This is despite the signboard outside the temple which clearly cites that cell phones should be on silent while inside the holy place. It's blatant disregard for rules. Why do such bimbos go to schools in the first place is what I am beginning to think. They don't learn anything. It's said that if you teach a woman, you teach the whole family since most of the socialization responsibilities are taken on by the mother or the ladies of the house. I have started doubting this saying after witnessing such acts.

The men prefer taking calls  when they are driving. They just think that they own the streets when they get a call and attend to the same. The cars behind them just have to wait till that conversation is complete. Till then, they'd go slow, jump lanes unknowingly as they are too engrossed in that stupid conversation. All these lunatics need to be taken to some correction center if there was one for breaking road rules. They obviously need help. If man is a social animal, then the behavior of an animal is displayed by them in extremes but the 'social' part goes missing.

Seriously... this country needs some major reforms. We keep talking about all those big changes that are needed in the societal arena but sometimes, it's best to start small. If people could just follow certain minimal standards, this place would be a much better place to live.

Hoping to see some sense develop in these morons!!!!


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