Personal calls on cell phone during office hours ???

Another musing related to my favourite topic in recent times- Our dear good old cell phone calls at work!!!

Well..I will reserve many of my antagonistic comments on this  topic as some of my close friends and colleagues indulge in personal calls during office hours. So ahem..I'll be the loyal friend and cite 'each to himself'.

 But this behaviour makes me laugh inwardly. No offence intended!

Your office hours are dedicated towards meeting your targets at work. For 8 hours of your time, you need to concentrate on your work. Your office pays you a salary for that kind of commitment. During your lunch hour, you can take or make as many calls as possible. I also understand that any urgent calls related to sickness or some family emergency call  needs to be attended without delays. But the calls that are made to enquire about what your husband ate for lunch or what he's doing currently (work obviously!), issues related to family or what problem he is facing can be saved for dinner time maybe?  It's really juvenile. If he doesn't eat on time and falls sick, then you are in deep trouble, huny! Who will pay for your phone and related expenses?

Reminds me of an ancient folklore... Where the husband kept telling the wife that the children should never go hungry. The devoted wife always ensured that the children were well-fed. One fine day, the husband dies because he's weak. His advise to his wife actually meant that he needed to be fed well so that he could take care of the family's needs. Wife interpreted it differently. Poor guy must have regretted his words to her.

You can share your husband's tensions while he's at home. At work, it's futile to babysit the guy. Let him find his own way. He has to grow up some day!!! My strong suspicion is that the husband may not be listening to the wife, while at home. The television set, video games and general surfing may be the issue which leads to temporary deafness in male species, while they relax in their den. Hence the 'carry forward' of such unfinished talks, during his working hours!!!

I have seen men squirm because they don't have an answer to tell their wives in relation to the problems that they are facing at work. It hurts the ego when it's known to the wife that the boss has yelled at them for some unfinished task. Colleagues proudly announce that their wives can call them at any time, even when then are driving to work. Really? My only answer at that point of time was that they needed to be alive to continue that call with their wives while they drive. The car drivers around them don't know that their wife's call is important, right?. The former's priority is to reach their destination as  soon as possible. So say a prayer and then take that call where your wife whines about everything under the sun while you try to drive and speak simultaneously. LOL!

Women really need to occupy their time with some hobbies or some activity which keeps them engrossed. Seriously...calling your husband time and again while he's at work is not a solution for your boredom. Rather, it's increasing his time at work as he is unable to concentrate on his tasks because of what you may have conveyed via those umpteen calls.

Anyways, who am I to comment on all these areas! . I am just being a practical working woman who has her own musings on this particular topic. I don't intend to gather a poll on who agrees and who doesn't as well. I don't care. This is reality and I am sure that most see this, day in and day out in offices.

Being a student of Sociology, I love observing human behavior. It's fascinating to understand people's psyche and their interactions with all, while in a professional environment.

Until my next musing :)


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