“Educate a boy, and you educate an individual. Educate a girl, and you educate a community"

Girl's education- An issue close to my heart!!!

This blog is not written with the goal of glorifying my 'giving' ways or my charitable attitude :)

I am sharing the details of CARE India, in case someone else wants to donate to this cause related to the girl child's education. This is my small attempt to atleast make a difference to one life!!!! Well..I am hoping it would.

The CARE India folks had approached me for their program named 'Udaan' which was for educating school drop outs. But the donation amount expected was way too high for me to afford. For middle class, working folks like us, donations need to come out of our monthly salary. So I did opt for the smaller donation amount which would fund a girl child's educational expenses for a year. That's what I could afford. Something better than nothing!!!

About CARE India- A synopsis taken from their mail to me!

CARE is an International humanitarian agency working in over 70 Countries. We have worked in India since 1950. Working in eleven states, we ensure that all the benefit from social and economic development without discrimination on the grounds of gender, race, caste or occupation.   CARE is one of the world's leading organisations fighting global poverty. CARE is independent, non-sectarian and non-governmental. CARE and its partners have been creating meaningful change for millions of people around the world. much of CARE's work is focused on developing lasting solutions to poverty by strengthening the most vulnerable populations. CARE works hand in hand with vulnerable families, especially women and girls, to help them access their rights. In 2008,CARE became nationally registered in India. We are now a completely Indian organisation with global links. The work that we do in India has impact all over the world. CARE works closely with the Government of India at the central and state level to provide technical as well as managerial support.

About Udaan

Udaan, it's a learning programme designed for girls in the age group of 10-14 years who have either dropped out of school or never been to school. This model of teaching has enabled close to 1,000 girls complete their primary education in the past decade. The girls get to complete their primary education within 11 months at a residential camp managed by CARE India in association with the partner NGO’S at Hardoi in U.P and Mayurbhanj district in Orissa

For more details about Udaan, Kindly visit the link mentioned below:


Am sure there are more ways in which we can help social causes. My next attempt will be to volunteer some hours towards such worthy causes. Hoping for that to happen soon...

Until my next musing :)

"You will find, as you look back on your life, that the moments that stand out are the moments when you have done things for others." - Henry Drummond


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