Weight loss Series- Woeful weight-based musings of a 'happy go lucky' Indian

Chapter 4: Daily Schedule for eating/drinking (not the alcoholic type 😏)

Here’s some of my what I am doing to lose some flab. Again, each to himself. Everyone’s bodily requirements are different.

8 am

I drink a glass of herbal water. 

Herbal water recipes

1) Half tsp coriander seeds (Dhania)

2) Half tsp cumin seeds (Jeera) 

3) Half tsp fennel seeds ( Saunf)

Boil water with the above spices for 5 minutes. Drink while it's lukewarm. 

Another option is to drink a glass of lukewarm water with lemon juice and cumin powder. I don't recommend adding any honey or salt to it. 

Benefits of drinking Lemon Water

Another video on lemon water benefits

Tip: Sit in some comfy place while drinking this and muse over memories. It's a good way to start your day.

The sofa is my favorite spot for sitting and sipping my lemon water. What's yours? 😋

A useful link 



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