Weight loss Series- Woeful weight-based musings of a 'happy go lucky' Indian

Chapter 3: A healthy eating Plan. (not a diet plan)

I guess its a mid life crisis kind of situation. I feel very strongly about doing something good for my body. Doesn’t help to have the belly walk ahead of me. Guess that’s a more logical reason. The purpose of these series is not to preach about how important it is to lose weight etc. It’s more of a ‘sharing’ my culinary experiences that are a part of my weight loss plan. I have innovated on a lot of these recipes and they taste great. So decided to share some. Again, I am no nutritionist or dietician. Please follow your own guidelines related to calorie intake or food allergies. I am just doing my usual musings.

As a society, we are so concerned about our weight. Your neighbor may be more concerned about yours than his/her own. It’s really strange that people try to get their own societal image validated by criticizing others. The standards of beauty are defined by a fashion industry that’s minting billions and billions of dollars by highlighting flaws in humans and how their products can make it right. I laugh when I see some of these ads. The cookery shows that are popular have reed thin women who are oohing and aahing on sugar and other processed products as key ingredients for their fabulous recipe. Sometimes i wonder if they ever eat their own recipes?? Maybe not!

Recently, I watched a video of street kids who had participated in a popular Indian dance show. I felt emotional when they talked about their cravings for food such as pizzas and burgers. On the one hand, some of us are shunning food because it hurts our body image and on another end of the same world, there are children who are dying to get hold of a small meal to survive. That's when you realize that god has provided us with a blessed life. We have food on our tables. It's again a matter of choice on whether we are grateful or we shun the food based on our obsession's with media created 'perfect' body images. 

Let's move on from my critical musings and get focused.

Here are some recommendations that came with my plan

1) Drink 8 glasses of water

My thoughts: It's not practical for my body type.  I drink water when I am thirsty. Also, I believe that water retention leads to bloating in my body. But you should go ahead and do it if it suits your body type. 

2) Indulge in physical activity. Increase intensity gradually

My thoughts: I cannot follow any prescribed exercise schedule. I am not a gym person. I like to walk. So I walk for 2.5 miles everyday, as and when weather permits. I like the indoor walking exercise videos created by Leslie Sansone. It's effective and you can lose around 250-300 calories by following her walking exercise videos. Plus it's at your convenience at home. 

Here's a video of an indoor walking exercise.
Leslie Sansone Indoor Walking Exercise Video(Tip- Move the furniture around. Learnt it the hard way when my leg hit the coffee table. Ouch!)

3) Monitor your weight and body measurements on a fortnightly basis.

My thoughts: Again, I don't get obsessed with doing the measurements rigorously. I do check my weight once in a while. I have kept the weighing scale in my bathroom for convenience. As for bodily measurements, you get to know the inches that you have lost when your previously tight tees hang on you or your jeans aren't that snug at the waist! 
Tip: Don't feel bad if you see the weight go up when you check. Cut down carbs in your next meal. Point is that this is a journey. Some ups and downs are part and parcel of this journey. Eat a good meal. Be happy. Don't sweat on the measurements while you eat. I sound like a stuck recorder but each to himself. Do it regularly if that's what you want to do. 

4) Portion sizes

1 cup: 200 ml
1 bowl: 250 ml
1 glass: 200 ml
1 tsp: 5 ml
1 tbsp.: 15 ml
1 std. Roti/Paratha (Indian Bread)- 6" to 7"

My thoughts: I got some cheap measuring cups from Amazon. 

Links below. 

That way, I didn't have to guess. Plus I got into the habit of measuring oil and other food ingredients for a recipe. Now this is important as it gives you a good idea on how much fat has gone into a meal. My experience has been that we really don't know how much oil or ghee (clarified butter) goes into a meal unless we measure it. I realized that i was adding more than 2-3 tbsp. of oil in my previous meals. This is one recommendation that I totally agree with.

6) Limit oil/butter/ghee intake to 4 tsp daily. Preferable use olive, groundnut or coconut oil

My thoughts: My experience is that we really don't need even 4 tsp of oil daily. If you make your recipes more flavored with spices, then the oil can be reduced to a large extent in all recipes. 

7) Avoid high calorie veggies such as Potato, Sweet Potato, arbi (an Indian root veggie), Tapioca, Yam, Green Peas etc. No coconut or groundnuts to be added to recipes. 

My thoughts: If you have a craving for any of these veggies, go ahead and have some. Moderation is the key. We cannot cut out everything in life. We have to be logical. Most diet plans fail because people go back to their cravings within no time. Instead eat some fries, eat a chocolate. Enjoy it. Don't feel guilty. Walk an extra mile that day or cut down on the next meal. There's a solution for every guilt. 😂

8) Sweet cravings can be overcome by eating saunf (fennel seeds), a small piece of dark chocolate or 2 dates or figs. 

My thoughts: Like i cited prior, if you have a sweet craving, eat a small piece of chocolate. I find that dates are very helpful as well. Moderation is the key.

9) All junk/processed foods needs to be avoided. 

My thoughts: If you really have a strong craving, find a day in the week when you'll want to have a burger or pizza. Eat in moderation. Don't be a glutton. 
Tip: When you go to restaurants, order a big salad first. Then have some grilled chicken or fish on the side. It works for me!  (Pssst: Have half of the dessert that you order. Bring the rest home and freeze it. Have it during the next cheat meal day.😉) 

What we strive to achieve....😰


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